Monday, January 28, 2008

Dr Jeckyl/Mr Hyde

My second week with Silver was to design a Dr J & H of your own. I chose to create a 1960 Ivy League Student that transforms into a slovenly obese ale lover! :)

I actually learned something new this week with Silver's 2nd assignment and received my personal critique on my Fat Joe design from Steve. The critique that I received was exactly what I expected of my work, too.

Even though criticism is hard to take for some, doesn't it make one try so much harder? It does me!

I am only finished with my second week with Silver at Schoolism and I highly recommend anyone willing to learn character design to take this course. It is really worth it!


Blogger Steve Hearn said...

You WILL see a BIG step forward with your Schoolism class, so I am excited to see how you progress with Steve's help!

10:43 AM  
Blogger Kelly Light said...

Angie- I never enjoyed someone pointintg out all of the problems with my art..before. Not only did I learn to draw better in that class, I learned to take criticism and apply it too! I think your jeckyll and hyde start is great- good luck and good drawing-Kelly

5:06 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

Hey thanks Kelly! I didn't have a whole lot of time to design them, but I already knew of my errors before Silver told me them. I think, at times, I get lazy.

I AM learning so much. His class IS so worth it!

6:15 PM  

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