Pet Expo Event- Drawing Woofers!
Even though I did a good job and the clients loved their drawings, I felt "Not up to my best" on this event. Not sure if it had to do with weather or me!
Oh well, every artist has days like this!
Although... the line kept growing as I surprisingly heard another person whisper behind me "She's really good!" I heard the word "Disney" (again), and about 3 times, so not sure what people were saying about me this time.
All I can say is I keep getting the work, so I must be doing something right! ~wink~
Oh, and I thank "God" (Yes, GOD!, for all you NON believers out there) for my talents, especially my artistic ability, ambition and love for this!
YO! Can I first say.. I LOVE doing pet gigs... well done!!! :O)
Second... first image up is a cutie! ;O)
Hope all is well.. trying to get back on board with this thing!
And... not going to Reno... if you are.... have a blast for me! :)
Thanks Maria and yes, first is a cutie!
I'm not attending the Con either. I have other important career moves taking place! ~wink~
I wish the Big Con would go back to Feb months. October is way too busy for me, along with my anniversary and being my favorite season!
I will miss you and all my other close NCN friends, so maybe another one, possibly a mini-con, right?
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